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Making the Coronavirus Lockdown really count

Updated: May 28, 2020

I have noticed during my time at university and during my time as a tennis coach, that the power that sports coaches wield in driving personal and athletic development was exponential. The problem I found was that so much time was spent teaching sports players tactical and technical foundations with attacking and defending principles that the physical, social and mental benefits were often not highlighted with the same importance.

Without sufficient development in both personal and athletic aspects of sport, it has dawned on me that we are missing a trick as coaches. This lack of development in both of those areas can lead to those players being put off sport for life, more prone to injuries or even worse, lack basic daily habits that can inspire them to better themselves every single day.

The Football Association amongst other National Governing Bodies like the LTA have started to recognise the need for young athlete to experience greater emphasis on holistic development, in line with the National Curriculum at both Key Stage 1 and 2. This is where I have created a new product in line with this vision to accelerate personal and athletic development using the vehicle of tennis. I truly believe that all tennis coaches play a huge part in the holistic development of young people. Whether that be working with a new player coming into my programme, an aspiring county tennis player looking to reach their next level or a young adult who is beginning to give back to the club that they owe so much too, I can see this and am equipped to provide a service for you.

To prove this, take a look at the Testimonials page, where I have listed some of the words of appreciation I have received for my services. To those people, thank you very much for being part of my journey.

In order to help this message grow, if you are reading this and feel this resonates with an aspect of your tennis journey I ask you to do two things for me;

  1. Share this message with anyone you think would be interested. I will be producing blogs on a regular basis and uploading them to this website, my LinkedIn page and my twitter handle. Come and get involved and join the discussion.

  2. Get in touch with me personally on if you have questions, or would simply like to say hello!

  3. Take a look at the remote coaching options in the book sessions tab to book an online session with me!

Lastly, I hope you are all seizing the day, taking care of yourselves and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will leave you with one of my favourite quotes by Mahatma Gandhi;

“You must be the change that you want to see in the world”

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